Does this Flappy Bird revival have ‚web3‘ and cryptocurrency roots? Absolutely.
Is it strange that none of the initial reporting on today’s launch mentions the web3 aspect of the game? Yes.
Is this Flappy Bird revival a „crypto ponzi scheme grift“? I don’t know.
Is this Flappy bird revival authorized by the original creator? Almost certainly not.
Dong Nguyen, Entwickler des ursprünglichen Spiels, – hier in einem „Rolling Stone“-Feature aus dem Jahr 2014 – mit der Bestätigung über seine Nichtbeteiligung.
Nguyen posted as much on X (for the first time since 2017!) this morning, saying he didn’t “sell anything.” The Flappy Bird Foundation wrote in the announcement it shared with press last week that it had “acquired the rights from Gametech Holdings, LLC,” which had secured the trademark from Nguyen, but it doesn’t appear as though that was the result of any dealings between him and the group.
Kurzum: Finger weg!
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