Inside Apple Park, the tech giant’s CEO talks about the genesis of a “mind-blowing” new device that could change the way we live and work. A-list directors are already on board—“My experience was religious,” says James Cameron—but will your average iPhone user drop $3,500 on a headset?
Nick Bilton | Vanity Fair
Der Artikel macht die Runde, weil’s a) das erste Foto von Tim mit Apple Vision Pro auf der Nase zeigt, und b) das iPad-Modell auf seinem Schreibtisch nicht eindeutig zu identifizieren ist1.
Ich habe mir den Text wie gewohnt auf dem Weg nach Hause vorlesen lassen. Mit dem Druck auf die AirPods konnte ich einige interessante Textstellen markiert, nur um dann festzustellen, dass „Inside the Making of the Apple Vision Pro“ kaum Zitate beinhaltet – zumindest von Tim Cook.
Vier Textstellen in verbindlichen Anführungszeichen2 habe ich schlussendlich gezählt. Drumherum scheinen viele Worte schlicht ergedacht, weil’s der einer Geschichte zuträglich ist.
It was at Mariani 1, a nondescript low-rise building on the edge of the old Infinite Loop campus with blacked-out windows. This place is so secret, it’s known as one of Apple’s “black ops” facilities. Nearly all of the thousands of employees who work at Apple have never set foot inside one. There are multiple layers of doors that lock behind and in front of you. But Cook is the CEO and can go anywhere. So he strolls past restricted rooms where foldable iPhones and MacBooks with retractable keyboards or transparent televisions were dreamed up. Where these devices, almost all of which will never leave this building, are stored in locked Pelican cases inside locked cupboards.
via Nick Heer
- Keine Sorge, Apple PR vergisst garantiert bei einem Fototermin keine unveröffentlichten Geräte.
- “I’ve known for years we would get here,” says Apple CEO Tim Cook. “I didn’t know when, but I knew that we would arrive here.”
- “It’s mind-blowing,” Cook said to me when I told him about my experience. “We live in a 3D world, but the content that we enjoy is flat.”
- You can actually lay on your sofa and put the displays on your ceiling if you wish,” Cook told me. “I watched the third season of Ted Lasso on my ceiling and it was unbelievable!”
- “What we do is we get really excited about something and then we start pulling the string and see where it takes us,” Cook told me. “And yes, we’ve got things on the road maps and so forth, and yes, we have a definitive point of view. But a lot of it is also the exploration and figuring out.” He concluded, “Sometimes the dots connect. And they lead you to some place that you didn’t expect.” (Letting connected dots lead the way was a theme Cook’s predecessor used to talk about.)
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