Durch die Bank positive US-Testberichte für das iPhone XR
Es braucht keine wissenschaftlichen Tests um sich zwischen dem XS (Max) und dem XR zu entscheiden – deshalb mochte ich das kurz Video von Joanna Stern.

Wer den bestmöglichen Bildschirm in einem iPhone will, so wie Nilay Patel, greift zum XS (Max).
Personally, I would pay the extra money for a better OLED screen in a heartbeat, because I am extremely picky about displays. But I think most people can find way better ways to spend $250 than on things like infinite black levels and 60 percent wider dynamic range when viewing photos. And in that case, the iPhone XR is a no-brainer upgrade.
Wer die meisten Fotos mit dem Teleobjektiv knipst, sowie Matthew Panzarino, der zahlt den Aufpreis für das XS (Max).
I found myself missing the zoom lens a lot. This is absolutely a your mileage may vary scenario, but I take the vast majority of my pictures with the telephoto lens. Looking back at my year with the iPhone X I’d say north of 80% of my pictures were shot with the telephoto, even if they were close ups. I simply prefer the “52mm” equivalent with its nice compression and tight crop. It’s just a better way to shoot than a wide angle — as any photographer or camera company will tell you because that’s the standard (equivalent) lens that all cameras have shipped with for decades.
Wide angle lenses were always a kludge in smartphones and it’s only in recent years that we’ve started getting decent telephotos. If I had my choice, I’d default to the tele and have a button to zoom out to the wide angle, that would be much nicer.
Viele Unterschiede der iPhones im diesjährigen Line-up sind jedoch nicht nur Kompromisse in puncto Preis, sondern vielmehr Präferenzen. John Gruber resümiert:
The difference here isn’t about the XS models being A-team phones and the XR being a B-team phone. It’s more like the XS models are a bit luxurious — an extra camera, stainless steel frames instead of aluminum, OLED instead of LCD — and the XR is a bit more practical. But they’re all on the A-team in terms of quality and performance. The XR is actually better in some ways, notably battery life and low-light Portrait Mode photography.
In vielen Bereichen fühle ich mich beim Lesen der Reviews an die zwei Apple-Watch-Modelle erinnert: Die Edelstahl-Version ist luxuriöser als die Aluminum-Variante, sie erfüllen aber grundsätzlich die gleichen Aufgaben.
Strikt genommen ist es natürlich nicht so einfach (wassergeschützt nur bis zu einem Meter, kein Gigabit-LTE, kein 3D Touch, etc.), aber unterem Strich kauft man ein iPhone aus der gleichen „schlicht phänomenalen” Liga.
Alex Olma
Mac & i
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