„Fitbit’s 150 billion hours of heart data“
Most people probably get their heart rates measured only at doctor visits. Or maybe they participate in a limited study. But modern smartwatches and fitness bands can track your pulse continuously, day and night, for months. Imagine what you could learn if you collected all that data from tens of millions of people!
That’s exactly what Fitbit has done. It has now logged 150 billion hours’ worth of heart-rate data. From tens of millions of people, all over the world. The result: the biggest set of heart-rate data ever collected.
Fitbit also knows these people’s ages, sexes, locations, heights, weights, activity levels, and sleep patterns. In combination with the heart data, the result is a gold mine of revelations about human health.
Die ersten Generationen der Fitness-Tracker und Computeruhren boten viel Spielerei. In ein paar Jahren wird es uns fahrlässig vorkommen, wenn wir nicht selbst unsere Gesundheits- und Fitnessdaten aufzeichnen, im Blick behalten und entsprechend reagieren.
Alex Olma
Mac & i
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