Abstraktes Symbolbild: Apple Watch unter Wasser.

Haje Jan Kamps fliegt aufopferungsvoll nach Hawaii, bringt aber einen wohl überlegten Vergleich mit.

So when Apple gave me early access to the Huish Outdoors Oceanic+ app and an Apple Watch Ultra, I decided to put my money where my regulator goes, book a flight to Hawaii, and see if it could stand the pressure of 100 feet of seawater under my watchful eyes. […]

I can’t help but wonder if we have entered a similar space for dive computers that we saw for sat-nav devices some 15 years ago. If you’ll recall, in the time before iPhones, there was a period where everyone had dedicated sat-nav devices from manufacturers like TomTom and Garmin. When the iPhone came along, they delayed their own demise in this space by releasing mapping apps for the new phone platform with significant price tags, before they were all destroyed by the likes of Google Maps, Apple Maps, Waze and other free mapping apps with live traffic data.


Apple-interne Quellen deuten wohl an, dass zukünftig auch andere Entwickler_innen den Zugriff auf die Sensordaten der Apple Watch Ultra zum Tauchen bekommen, und so mit Oceanic+ konkurrieren können.

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